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Day 2 Nite

Day 2 NiteNo time to change before a nite out? No Problem: Day 2 nite in 3 accessories or less! Ok, I know that this is not THE party outfit for a well-deserved Friday or Saturday night out but it is do-able. I've seen those articles in magazines and on tv of fashion critics telling us 'regular people' how to go from day to night in just a few small changes to your outfit. well, i'm not sure about everyone else but it always seems that their day look was pretty close to what I would call a party outfit already. OR the 'few small changes' included expensive and unlikely items that I wouldn't possess due to                     Day 2 Nite by danettecj featuring long sleeve shirts
simple differences in taste.
 So, my answer was to create a Day 2 Night look that was more likely to happen to me. 
So bear with me. Its fall but still relatively warm for this time of year, at least in the 
southeast where I live. So an over-sized sweatshirt, tights/leggings, some fuzzy 
slippers and a hat if I wanted to venture outside (probably the backyard).  Now, 
I don't know why this happens but it always does: I'll want to stay in & have a quiet night
 in every once in a while and thats the time my friends will convince me to go out WITH
 NO NOTICE AT ALL! Whether I'm hanging at a friend's place and am forced to go out or if people
 just happen to show up and drag me out, there's never enough time to really change (& agonize for 30 minutes over what to wear). But there are a few accessory changes that can help you  blend in better 
with the night-life. 
1. a small black clutch with a bit of bling instantly makes nearly any outfit more night time appropriate
2. a long necklace dresses up the sweatshirt and draws attention to the jewelry while accenting the shirt
3. high heeled, knee-high boots brings some sex appeal to any outfit whereas ankle boots tend to look
chunky. There  you have it! Day to Night (realistically) in 3 accessory changes or less. Things that most 
women have in their closet. Which means if you find yourself over at a friends house with little to no time 
to get ready for a night on the town you can probably borrow most of these items from her!

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